Case Converter
Convert text to uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, capitalized case, inverse case, title case,alternating case.
Case Converter
Insert your text and select the case needed.
Case Converter (Explained)
Our Case Converter Tool was designed to allow you to convert blocks of text into any case, which you can then simply copy and paste.
Supported Case Conversions include: upper case , lower case , title case , sentence case, capitalized case, inverse case, and alternating case.
Our tool has also built in word counter, line counter and character counter.
What does it do?
- lower case: converts text into small letters;
- Sentence case: Converts text into small letters except the first one, which is uppercase, like a normal sentence;
- Capitalized Case: Converts Every First Letter In A Word Into A Capital Letter;
- InVeRsE CaSe: CoNvErTs lEtTeRs iN A TeXt iNtO AlTeRnAtInG CaSeS, tHe fIrSt oNe bEiNg uPpErCaSe;
- aLtErNaTiNg cAsE: cOnVeRtS LeTtErS In a tExT InTo aLtErNaTiNg cAsEs, ThE FiRsT OnE BeInG LoWeRcAsE;
- Character Counter: Counts the number of characters in your text;
- Word Counter: Counts the number of words in your text;
- Line Counter: Counts the number of lines in your text;